

Located at Towneley House, Kingsway, Burnley, BB11 1BJ our offices can be accessed via ramp at the front of the building. Upon entering the building, the lift is located to the left of the stairs, through the double doors. Our reception is located on the 1st floor.

Web Accessibility

This site has been designed using industry “best practice” standards to ensure it is accessible to the broadest range of users. This means the information on the site will be available to visitors using screen readers, older browsers and handheld devices.

This website is compliant with the guidelines and recommendations as set out by the Web Accessibility Initiative in WCAG 2.0 and The UK standard BS 8878:2010 Web accessibility. Code of practice.

We are committed to ensuring access to our website to as many users as possible. Should you experience difficulties accessing any of the functions of this site, please contact and we will do all that we can to rectify the issue.