Terms & Conditions
Please carefully read the following terms (“these Terms”) in relation to use of the Complex Law Solicitors Ltd website (“Site”). By using the Site you agree to be legally bound by these Terms.
The Site is provided by Complex Law Solicitors Ltd (Complex Law), a limited company, registration number 6938570. The registered office is situated at Towneley House, Kingsway, Burnley, Lancashire. BB11 1BJ. Vat registration no: GB 976 4660 72.
Complex Law Solicitors Ltd are Solicitors of England and Wales and are regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Registration number: 515276. For important regulatory information please visit: www.sra.org.uk/
Professional Indemnity Insurance: Allianz Global Corporate & Speciality. Cover £3,000,000. Territorial Limit: Worldwide Jurisdiction: England & Wales
We use ‘Complex Law’ to refer, as the context may require, to Complex Law (Solicitors) Limited and affiliated entities which practise under the name ‘Complex Law‘ or a name which incorporates those words. The word ‘partner’, used in relation to the limited company, refers to a shareholder of the limited company or a designated employee or consultant of the limited company or of any affiliated firm who has equivalent standing and qualifications. A list of the shareholders of the company, and of those non-shareholders who are designated as partners, is available from the registered office on request.
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The materials appearing on this website do not constitute legal or other advice or an offer to provide legal services and are provided for general information purposes only. No warranty, whether express or implied, is given in relation to such material. Content relating to the law and legal developments featured on this Site are based upon the laws of England and Wales unless otherwise expressly stated. If you need legal advice on a specific matter please contact us.
Complex Law Solicitors Ltd aims to update the Site at regular intervals and may change the content at any time. We may suspend access to our Site, or close it indefinitely if necessary. Any of the material on our Site may be out of date at any point in time, and we are under no obligation to update the material on the Site.
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Complex Law Solicitors Ltd is the owner or the licensee of all intellectual property rights in the Site and in the material published on it. These are subject to and protected by copyright laws. All such rights are reserved.
Complex Law Solicitors Ltd does not accept any liability from loss or damage of any kind resulting from the use of the Site or any information, content, advertising, or products provided or distributed through the Site. Complex Law Solicitors Ltd do not exclude Complex Law Solicitors Ltd liability, if any, to you for personal injury or death resulting from Complex Law Solicitors Ltd negligence, for fraud or for any matter which it would be illegal to exclude or attempt to exclude liability.
These Terms and Conditions between Complex Law Solicitors and you shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales and the English courts will have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute.